Wednesday, April 9, 2014

General Conference and Sunshine

General Conference was fantastic this weekend!!! It was so good to hear from the Prophet and from the apostles. I learned a lot and I cannot wait to read them and really study them! They seem to stick a little more when that happens :)

Kay even came to conference and she loved it!!! She said that she was so grateful that she got to hear the prophet speak. She said that she had never experienced anything quite like it before. She just did not understand why other churches didn't have anything like this and why others might not listen. We again taught her the importance of priesthood authority and that of a living prophet today. It is inspiring to see how important the Prophet is to her! She is still progressing towards her baptism on April 26th, we just have to help her overcome a few more hurdles this week.

This week was fantastic!!! I mean of course it had its down times -- appointments falling through, lots of rain which makes it hard to talk to people, etc....-- but over all it was a really good week!! We were able to find 4 new investigators and teach quite a few lessons!!! ( only 2 lessons shy of our 20 per week!!) This area has only been opened since last September and then there was the FREEZING winter.... which made it really hard to find new investigators, so this area is not thriving, but it is growing. I am so excited to see what happens to it! Especially with the rest of this transfer and the fantastic weather!!! It has been so nice this past week... even on the rainy days it was still pretty warm. A much needed spring seems to have finally made its appearance.

Something that I was reminded of this week from Preach My Gospel is the importance of inviting the Spirit into our lives, particularly when we teach. We are truly not the teachers... the Holy Ghost is! The Holy Ghost must testify of spiritual truths. The Spirit then helps us understand how we can individually apply these truths to our lives in order to more fully follow Christ in our lives and keep our covenants. Again, I was so grateful to listen to general conference this weekend! I was glad to learn (through their words and the Holy Ghost) how I can become a better missionary!

Thank you for your love and support!!

Sarah <3

Sarah and her companion Sister Bowen

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